
Daily reading Challenge

How are you getting on with the Reading Challenges? I hope you are trying one or two and finding that it helps get you back into reading mode. Today, find a book you haven't read before that you have in your home. How many pages does it have? Work out what page number is roughly one third (1/3) of the way through the book. Go to that page and read it and maybe the next one. What do you think happened before this part of the story? What do you think will happen next?? Does this make you want to read the whole book?
My book is 'Only mostly devastated' by Sophie Gonzales. It has 278 pages. So page 92 is roughly 1/3 of the way through. It is about two teenage boys who seem to have fallen out at a party and one is trying to apologize to the other, who reluctantly accepts. However all is not well between them yet as the next scene takes place in school and Ollie is definitely unhappy when Will turns up in his music class! I am a sucker for a romance with a bit of angst, and it seems like an easy, fun read with lots of dialogue. Conclusion = I will read the book!! Starting today, out in the garden while the sun shines!