
St Andrew's Day - Scottish Authors III

The Nostradamus prophecy by Theresa Breslin is set in sixteenth century France in the court of the young king Charles. The king's mother, Catherine de' Medici , believes that Nostradamus can foresee the future and that her son is in danger. Melisande is a minstrel's daughter whose fate is inextricably linked to that of Nostradamus. Before he dies Nostradamus gives Melisande important papers which relate to the French royal line. Will Melisande be brave enough to fulfil the prophecy foretold by Nostradamus?

Iain Banks - Espedair Street Daniel Weir was a famous rock star and at 31 maybe still is. As he contemplates his life Daniel realises how bad the past has been, but has he the energy and indeed the ability to change his future? (S4 -Staff)